Saturday, January 28, 2006

This year started off with a 10-day business trip to El Paso, Texas / Cuidad Juarez, CHIH. I have been sent out to El Paso probably 10 ten times so far, and this is the first time I've been able to squeeze a weekend with a car into the itinerary. The plan was to check out the snow at Ski Apache, since I haven't had the chance to ski since Utah Trip 2003. Unluckily for the Southwest, there has been a major drought this year, leaving the mountain dry and wells low. This lack of snow led to a gorgeous trip up to New Mexico to Carlsbad Caverns, which was fortunate for me- much better experience than I would have had skiing.

I drove up to the area Saturday early afternoon, in relative silence. As I had never experienced "out West" I didn't realize I would lose radio signal about 20 minutes outside of El Paso. I was wonderful to drive through the desert without the chatter of DJ's. I went out of the airport, took a right on Montana, and drove straight for 150 miles and I was there. I don't think I have seen anything like it. About 20-30 minutes out of El Paso I experienced my first Border checkpoint. There was a little sign, something like "8412 illegals caught in 2005", a bit like those drunk driving tally signs. Defintiely not what I am used to seeing in GA.

Along the way to Carlsbad Caverns, I drove past Guadalupe Mountains National Park and decided to pull over since it was so beautiful. I had no idea that this was the location of El Capitan. You can see it gleaming on the horizon as you approach through the deesrt hills. Given the time of day, 2:00 pm, I figured I had time for a short hike, but not one to the peak, so that left Piney Top and Devil's Hall. I opted for Devil's Halll, a hike to a narrow gorge in the hills. The hike runs along the wash, and the rocks sound like chalk marbles crunching and grinding beneath your feet. I saw two deer along this trail, one minute they were in the wash, the next minute up the mountain hidden in the cactus. Also saw hawks and roadrunners. And they were running across the road!
Started off this year with a few resolutions, one to walk 1000 miles this year, not many per day, if accomplished daily, two to start blogging, three to travel to more places I have never been before. Throw in the every year resolution of setting and acheiving some financial goals and I think that is about all I want to focus on for now. I am notoriously bad with maintenance activities, so I am curious to see if I will post regularly on the blog.

For me, so many of my best conversations have happened over a cup of tea or coffee with good friend and family. So I hope that some good blogging can happen over a few nice pots of PG Tips.