Thursday, May 31, 2007

nice day

Sometimes the only way Alexander will calm down is to sit outside. I forget how much that calms me as well. After a few minutes of bouncing outside he drifts of to sleep or becomes happily absorbed in the nature in the backyard.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

bath time

Loves the water already

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

napping in the crib

This morning we sat outside for a nice dose of sunshine, birds, squirrels and fresh air after yesterday's smoky haze. It made Alexander quite happy, happy enough to take a little morning nap in the crib.

sun kissed

Monday, May 21, 2007

Harriet and the lamp

happy warm cat


I wonder if other cats do this. Harriet loves to sit with her head right next to the lightbulbs under the lampshade. This lamp has two 75 watt bulbs and puts out a good bit of heat, so I think it is a kitty sauna for her. She will sit there for a long time roasting away.

in the bassinet

He hadn't shown an interest in mobiles or hanging toys but, this week, he is fascinated. He is making little coo noises.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

baby fashion show

Alex has grown into some cute outfits - 12 pounds this week and 23 inches ! I hope everyone is doing well !

Saturday, May 19, 2007

green baby fashion show

Here is Alexander wearing the "mommy's good luck charm" outfit that Anissa sent to him. Like mom, he looks great in green. Even though the next shot cuts off his head, the smile is precious.

smile monster 1

more smiles

Friday, May 11, 2007

hiking shot

Still trying to move the pictures from the phone...This is coming back from a hike in North Georgia mountains. It started to rain just as we were leaving and made this gorgeous rainbow.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Forever plaid?

Alex is looking more and more like a little boy,especially in the cute plaid overalls from great aunt Joyce