Saturday, June 23, 2007

Book Club via comments???

Hi folks!
I just read a new book, The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I will still call R to discuss, but I thought, hey perhaps we can finally have the book club we were talking about via comments on the blog? Not sure how to work it out, or the easiest way to do it. Blogging is probably not the best format, but I thought that perhaps it might work. I am going edit this post later, but for now I will say that The Road was a taut, crushing read. I don't think I have read an other apocalypse / end of days novel as well done. As a new mother, I can't say I enjoyed it, but I think it certainly was a great book, it just made me cry at a time I would rather not be crying.

On a similar note, while I was pregnant, I saw Children of Men in the theatre. It was dark and awful and spirit crushing. I haven't read the book on which it was based.


Unknown said...

We also saw Children of Men.. reminded us a lot of 28 days later!

yet another movie that went to great lengths to show the dark side of human nature.

book club on a blog .. interesting..

good luck.


CarolineKrall said...

Book club online through blog sounds great. Sign me up. I just read Smashed by Koren Zailckas. It ran true for me as did Prep by Curtis Sittenfield. I may use this book as bibliotherapy in my practice!

smibbo conspiracy said...

i'd be down with a book club via blog.... why not? I just finished "Saving Fish From Drowning" by Amy Tan - pretty good but not as engaging as her usual stuff and the ending had sadness in it.

Yeah Children of Man was kind of a downer at a time when I didn't really need that but still.. beautiful flick!

Gonna call youse guys about July 4th.